Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3809 April 12-26 2019 | Page 10
Apr 12 - 26, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 9
Catch & Release Fishing!
Hook More & Bigger Fish With Flies...
The Middle American: Norcal’s Most
Overlooked Trout Fishery! By Cal Kellogg
Legendary California fly fisherman Mikey Wier holds up a massive
Middle American brown trout he fooled while working a streamer fly
during a raft trip.
Photo courtesy of BURLFISH.BLOGSPOT.COM.
The center
of the pool
was chaotic
with confused
current, white-
water and
bubbles. In a
strip of calmer
water closer to
my side of the
river, but still
an impossibly
long cast from
the bank there
were at least
four trout repeatedly rising.
Rusty colored mayflies were in the air and that’s what the trout were targeting. I
had some No. 18 rust color parachutes in my box. I tied one on.
Carefully I eased into the current. Inching out I eventually reached a point about
15 feet from the bank. With the water up past my waist, I could go no further.
I made a single false cast and dropped the fly well up current of the seam
holding the fish. I manipulated the line to insure a drag free float…
When a trout’s snout deliberately broke the surface and inhaled the parachute
instinct took over. My left hand stripped back on the line as the rod tip went
skyward. Feeling the sting of the hook the trout started gyrating, bolted toward
the middle of the river, exploded from the
water on a wild jump and tossed the hook. The
entire incident played out in mere seconds.
I spent the remaining hour of daylight
working that seam and ended up hooking a
total of seven rainbows, but I was only able
to land and release three of them due to the
current and the intense fighting ability of the 12
to 16 inch wild ‘bows.
The action I just described took place in the
Middle American about a 15-minute drive from
Auburn, California.
The Middle Fork American River
Dry flies have a place on the Middle
American, but day in day out you’ll
catch more and bigger fish on
subsurface offerings.
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer
Few folks realize that the Middle American
holds rainbows in excess of 5 pounds and
browns that can top 10. The fish are wild
since the river hasn’t been planted since the
‘60’s. It’s the lack of truck trout that keeps the river off list of potential destina-
tions for the majority of trouters.
“The Middle American’s trout are aggres-
sive and catching them generally isn’t a
problem, says veteran river rafter and angler
Roger Lee.
“The river gives up more rainbows then
browns, but the biggest fish are generally
browns. I practice catch and release, keeping
only a few smaller fish once in a while,
I don’t weigh the big fish that we catch.
We’ve landed a lot of big browns over the
For numbers of rainbows and browns
years, that I’d estimate to be in the 5 to 7
on the Middle American subsurface
pound class. The largest brown I’ve ever
flies in the form of small streamers,
measure was 28 inches long,” related Lee.
medium size nymphs and large
“I’ve been fishing this river long enough
nymphs are the way to go. Keep flies
like these near the bottom and you’ll
that some patterns have emerged. First of
hook plenty of fish.
all, the largest fish most often come from
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer
deepwater pockets that are adjacent to
the current right next to the bank,” Lee
You’ll find dry fly action on the Middle Fork at times, but it isn’t the norm. Dark
colored nymphs in the No. 12 to 16 range produce the most consistent results from
numbers of average
size fish.
The river has
a robust scuplin
population and it is
sculpin imitations
that often tempt the
big browns. These
fish hold in deep
water and it takes
sinking lines and
heavily weighted
flies to get them in
most cases.
For those that
learn the secrets of
the rugged Middle
American, the
The Middle American is a big brawling river situated in a steep
rewards are often
rugged canyon. There are double digit trout in the river but
you’ll have to invest sweat and face a little danger to get a fly
into the mouth of one of the American’s monsters.
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer Staff.
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(858) 500-2761
9275 Trade Place Suite E
San Diego, CA 92126