Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3811 May 10-24 2019 | Page 31

SALTWATER VOL.38 • ISS. 11 29 May 10 - 24, 2019 SALTWATER REPORTS Celebrating 61 years of “The Unsinkable Legend”!! 2019 Models HAVE ARRIVED! Boston Whaler 130 Super Sport BERKELEY Halibut & Stripers Bite Inside S.F. Bay, Lings & Kings Delight Beyond Gate BERKELEY- EAST BAY- There were mEAST BAY- While nothing is red hot and a two week break in the salmon season is slated, things have never the less been getting pretty exciting April 27, they boxed an impressive early season score of 37 kings to 14 pounds for 22 anglers! Once the two-week closure lifts the Gallia’s will be back out after kings. While few anglers have ventured out to the islands, those that do are finding solid bottomfish action with limits of quality rockfish being the norm with plenty of bonus lings mixed in. BODEGA BAY (shown with optional equipment) Completely redesigned for 2019 with fiberglass console with lockable storage, helm bench seat, aft swim platforms, bow locker, SS bow rails, 40 hp Mercury 4 stroke, galvanized trailer and more! Now Only $15,999 (Including Freight & Prep) (800) 726–2848 3810 (510) 533–9290 1926 – 2019 Your Bay Area Dealer For 93 Years 333 Kennedy Street Oakland, CA 94606 All Prices INCLUDE freight & prep, plus tax & license only. Rockfish, Lingcod Main Quarry During Temporary Salmon Closure The salmon bite was outstanding during the first This young angler took a trip aboard the Pacific Dream in late April and got three days this dandy striper. Photo courtesy of PACIFIC DREAM SPORTFISHING, Berkeley. after the April 13th opener, but a huge mass of jellyfish moved into the over the past couple weeks for the location where the salmon are, and it East Bay saltwater fishing fraternity has been difficult to troll. The salmon with productive potluck fishing inside season will experience a temporary the bay for halibut and stripers and closure from May 1st through the solid bottom fish 17th in this section of the coast. and salmon action Captain Rick Powers of Bodega taking place in the Bay Sport Fishing and the New Sea ocean. Angler went rockfishing for 14 limits Captains Chris of quality bottom-grabbing rockfish and Jonathan along with one 14-pound ling cod Smith have been before switching over for 4 salmon to chasing halibut 13 pounds, losing a few more. and bass from the He said, “I believe the salmon Happy Hooker are here, but it is a matter of being and Pacific Dream able to troll in the area since there and they’ve been is so much jellyfish. We have this putting up some closure starting next week, and once good scores while the jellyfish move out, I expect a trolling rigged bait. phenomenal salmon season. The On Capt. water looks good, there are big Jonathans last trip schools of anchovies out there, and it aboard the Hooker is only a matter of time. In the interim for example, his 9 time during the closure, we will be anglers nailed 17 focusing on rockfish and pulling the keeper halibut and crab pots on occasion.” 4 stripers. Earlier in the week, Captain Eric The Pacific Holthouse of North Bay Charters Dream has been reported the salmon were biting on producing similar Thursday with Captain Josh Stevens results boxing putting in three salmon early in the a dozen halibut morning, losing another three. and a handful of CONTINUED ON PG 30 stripers on their most recent trolling adventure for 12 New Easy Rider Sportfishing anglers. Departures from Berkeley Marina Captain Quang of the Goldeneye 2000 put up a 3712 stellar halibut score on April 26 with his clients nailing over 30 keepers! N ow B ookiNg The New SALMoN, HALiBUT, BASS Easy Rider with LiVE BAiT TRiPS Captains Joe and Joey Gallia at the controls has been Rock & Ling Cod and Sturgeon crushing the kings Reservations & Information outside the Golden (707)422-2050 Gate while pulling rigged bait. On