Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3814 June 21- July 5 2019 | Page 28
June 21 - July 5, 2019
salmon are as far north as Drake’s
Bay south of Point Reyes. However,
there is hope for the return of the
salmon in the coming months as there
has been tremendous commercial
Rockfish, Lingcod Provide
salmon fishing action out of Morro
Bay and Port San Luis, and these fish
Top Action Until Salmon Bite
have to pass Half Moon Bay on their
way through the Golden Gate into the
EL GRANADA - The hot salmon bite
Sacramento River system.
experienced below the Pillar Point
Captain Dennis Baxter of the New
Harbor near the Deep Reef dried up
Captain Pete out of Half Moon Bay
quickly as the largest school moved
Sportfishing was out on Saturday,
progressively up the coastline.
June 8, and he said, “We traveled 56
There were good days off of Mussel
miles for three total salmon, starting
Rock, bringing the Bay Area Fleet
14 miles west towards the Farallon
down to greet the boats coming up
Islands and ended up 5 miles out
from Half Moon Bay, but the salmon
from Pigeon Point 18 miles south of
continued to move up the coastline
the harbor. There are haystacks of
and out of range for the Half Moon
anchovies, but they are very deep as
Bay fleet.
the water color isn’t dark enough.”
As of press time, the main bulk of
A steady northwest wind has
cleared and
chilled the water
temperatures, but
the overall effect
of the wind will pay
dividends with the
upwelling along
the coastline.
action remains
very good. The
Queen of Hearts
checked in with
limits of rockfish,
10 lingcod and
5 cabezon for
35 anglers after
fishing off the San
Mateo County
coast on Saturday,
June 8, reported
Stephanie Meza
at the Half Moon
Bay Sportfishing
The Ankeney
Street has also
been fishing
coastal rockfish
in shallow water,
and in addition
to some quality
lingcod, they have
put in cabezon to 9
pounds as part of
This massive 33-pound halibut hit the deck of the Goldeneye 2000
their 10-rockfish
during a San Francisco Bay live bait potluck trip on May 30.
Photo courtesy of GOLDENEYE 2000 SPORTFISHING, Berkeley. limits.
The addition
of a third canary
rockfish and fourth
black rockfish as
VOL.38 • ISS. 14
subtotals of a 10-
fish limit began on
June 1st, and this
regulation change
also added a 2nd
ling cod over 22
- Dave Hurley
Coastal Anglers
Target Rockfish
and Salmon
– Rockfish and
lingcod are
providing the top
action along the
Monterey County
coast now, although
the salmon fishing
is expected to
bust loose inside
Monterey Bay
when the Chinooks
move up north from This happy angler took a trip on the Goldeneye 2000 in late May
and scored a limit of S.F. Bay halibut.
below Morro Bay
Photo courtesy of GOLDENEYE 2000 SPORTFISHING, Berkeley.
where commercial
fishermen are nailing
and reds mixed in.”
“It’s unheard of this time of year
The salmon fishing was good on
to see the salmon in big numbers
below Morro Bay,” said Carol Jones of June 8 for private boaters trolling
near the bottom at 36’52/121’57 and
Kahuna Sportfishing.
on the west side of the Soquel Hole,
The most recent salmon trip by
reported Todd Fraser at Bayside
the Kahuna produced 17 Chinook
Marina in Santa Cruz.
salmon to 15 pounds for 22 anglers.
“The anglers were fishing in 170-200
The anglers mooched with anchovies
of water and catching the fish
inside Monterey Bay.
bottom,” said Frasers. “The
The weather has made it difficult to
best bet was to troll Sling Blades and
get to Point Sur and Lopez Point in
Glow or Chrome Krippled Anchovies
recent weeks, but the weather was
down deep. A few trollers also landed
calming down at press time and trips
salmon at the Soldiers Club.”
to both locations were scheduled,
“The rockfish action was good in
according to Jones.
deep water near Wilder Beach.,”
“Fifteen anglers went out and fished
advised. “There have been
the local waters on Saturday, June
8,” said Jones. “They landed limits of
and halibut caught near
rockfish and one 8 lb. lingcod while
Pleasure Point and the
fishing shrimp flies, tipped with bait,
Pajaro. The wind was
on the inside ledge of the Portuguese
not bad and there is
Ledge at around 240 feet deep. They
no swell. There is a
also released a salmon.”
bunch of warm water
“Fourteen of the passengers had
never fished before,” she noted. “Most off shore and
rumors of tuna
of the fish they landed were widows,
with a few boccacio, yellowtail, blues
- Dan Bacher
Q ueen
H earts
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