Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3816 Jul 19- Aug 2 2019 | Page 12
July 19 - Aug 2, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 16
What’s Happening • What’s New
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Lahontan Cutthroat Love Siracha!
for each of us scratching out a fish here and
I’ve been wanting to fish Pyramid
there. We saw several birds a short distance
Lake in Nevada for the last several
away that were working some bait. Seagulls,
years because I’ve heard that fishing
cormorants, and pelicans were diving which
there is absolutely amazing. There
created a lot of action on the water. That’s
are big fish and a lot of them. I’ve
when the bite got really good for us, often
heard of stories of many fish being
producing double and triple hook ups. I was
caught in the teens and even some
once told that the Lahontan Cutthroat were
that have surpassed the 20-pound
not very good fighters and when you hooked
range. After hearing all of these
them they were big, but it was like bringing
stories, this lake was added to my
up dead weight. I was very surprised to learn
bucket list. I’ve had a few invitations
that I was told wrong and that these fish are
to go there, but each time have had
conflicts. When I received a call from actually very good fighters. I was using an
Allen May caught this beautiful Lahontan
8-14lb fishing rod teamed up with a Quantum
Cutthroat while fishing Pyramid Lake on June
Rick Tietz, owner of Blade Runner
Smoke HD reel with 50lb braid and a 16lb
Tackle, I jumped at the opportunity.
Photo Courtesy of Rick Tietz.
fluorocarbon leader. This setup was perfect
Rick called on a Thursday and
when using the 2 oz spoon and when you
asked if I would like to fish Pyramid
hooked a fish, the rod was strong enough to
the following week. After looking at my schedule, I realized I could arrange my
handle it and light enough to
schedule and sneak away one day the following
enjoy the fight.
week. The wind looked like it was
After some good action, the Rick Tietz caught this gorgeous
going to blow so we weren’t sure
bite died and we had to make
which day we were going to fish.
Lahontan on his Perch color Blade
another move. I thought we
Runner spoon.
Unfortunately, the wind blew way
Photo Courtesy of Ernie Marlan
had a lot of life at our last spot
too hard for us to make it out there
but the amount of birds at our
Monday through Thursday. I got
next spot was crazy. It reminded me of the ocean when you pull up to a
another call from Rick on Thursday The New Blade Runner Spoon - Siracha
spot filled with birds diving and bait jumping out of the water trying to
afternoon saying that it looked
Photo Courtesy of Ernie Marlan
get away from the bigger fish. I didn’t see any boils, but there were a lot
like our opportunity to fish
of single fish hitting the surface. As we pulled into that spot, it looked
was going to be on Sunday
so good and as soon as we stopped the boat and dropped the spoons, two or three of us
which just happened to be the last day of fishing before the
were on right away. The size of the fish were bigger and it seemed like as soon as you
lake would close for fishing until October 1st.
landed one and released it, you were doing battle with another. The action was fast and
We headed up on Saturday afternoon and planned to stay
furious with many doubles and triple hook ups which produced many fish in the double
the night at a friend of Rick’s, named Jason Fish. On the
digits and even a few in the mid-to-upper teens in weight.
drive, Rick told me he had brought a new color of the 2 oz
This trip had a lot of laughs, good conversation, phenomenal fishing, and just an
DUH spoon that he just made and was planning to launch
here in the next few weeks. Rick called this color Siracha. The amazing experience
overall. A trip that I will
new spoon has a red head, a black back, and a very reflective
never forget. I hope I
green body. The lure looks awesome and when I first saw it,
get another opportunity
I knew that was going to be my lure of choice for the next
to fish this Pyramid Lake
day. The DUH Spoon by Blade Runner Tackle is one of the
most popular spoons in the Northern California region and far again soon. It opens
again for fishing on
beyond. It produces everything from smallmouth bass, large-
October 1st, 2019 and
mouth, trout, lingcod, salmon, and stripers.
I hear that the fishing
We arrived at Jason’s beautiful ranch with horse stables,
during that time is abso-
several acres and amazing views. After great conversations,
lutely amazing as well.
dinner, and a good night sleep we left first thing in the
If my schedule allows, I
morning to Pyramid Lake. The drive only took about 30
believe I will try to get
minutes and the four of us, Rick Tietz, Jason Fish, Allen
out there sometime in
May and I were ready to fish.
After launching, we took a short boat ride to the fist
A special thanks to
spot of the day. The morning was not a wide-open bite,
Jason and Liz for their
but it didn’t us long for each of us to catch and release a
hospitality and Rick Tietz Jason Fish caught this beauty first thing in the morning
beautiful Lahontan Cuttthroat.
for the invitation!
The next spot was much of the same, a little action
on a Blade Runner Spoon!
Photo Courtesy of Rick Tietz
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• Weighs 51 lbs.
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