Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3613 June 9-23 2017 | Page 15
VOL.36 • ISS. 13
June 9 - 23, 2017
Get Healthy!
Here is author Cal Kellogg
fishing at French Meadows
Reservoir in October 2011 when he
hit the scales at a very unhealthy
393 lbs. He readily admits that
poor decisions in terms of diet and
exercise brought him to this point.
and situations.
This is how Kellogg
looked in October 2016
when he weighed about 235
pounds. What a difference
time, healthful choice and good
supplements can make. Cal’s
ultimate goal is to hit the 200
pound mark at some point in
the fall of 2017!
Plexus supplements are a
key part of Kellogg’s weight
loss program. Originally designed
to help stabilize blood sugar levels
for diabetics, all natural GMO free
Plexus products not only have
been found to help with weight
loss, but Kellogg also reports
sleeping better, having less joint
pain and increased energy levels
since he began using Plexus
Anglers have access
to some of the
healthiest protein available.
Eating a diet heavy in
fish and green veggies is
proven to help eliminate
body fat, while increasing
good cholesterol levels and
decreasing blood pressure.
Fishing And Hunting
Saved My Life!
to as morbidly obese. As I started
ome folks are going to applaud
dragging the buck upward, the sweat
this article. Some are going to
write it off as pure hyperbole and oth- started flowing heavily and I could
feel my heart thundering in
ers are simple going to stop
the back of my neck.
reading it before reaching
In short I thought there
the end, because my goal
was a real if not good
is for them to confront
possibility that I was going
themselves and for most
to have a heart attack right
of us that’s a pretty painful
there on the canyon face
before I reached the top. I
Yet despite the nega-
knew if that happened I had
tives I think this article is
no one or nothing to blame
worthwhile, because even
beyond myself and my
if it only impacts one Fish
weakness of character.
Sniffer reader in a positive
Luckily for me, I made it
way, one life will have
by Cal Kellogg
to the truck with much
been changed for the better.
suffering, but without dying. I turned
Let’s rewind back to October 2011.
the ignition just in time to hear the St.
I had been perched on a lava rim
Louis Cardinals win the World Series.
deer hunt. When a decent meat buck
emerged for the brush 200 yards down As I listened I vowed to myself that I
was going to systematically dump my
the slope, my shot had been true.
body fat and get into the best shape of
The bullet fully penetrated the buck’s
my life.
chest, he traveled downslope another
As I write these words, its May of
50 yards or so in a burst of speed and
2017 and my body weight is about
it was over.
225 pounds and still declining. My
Standing over the buck and look-
ultimate goal is to hit an even 200
ing back up the canyon wall as the
pounds, which I expect to happen in
sun inched down toward the horizon
late summer or early fall. In addition
a flood of reality hit me. I was going
to losing fat, I’ve gained a bunch of
to have to drag the buck up several
muscle. I can run 5 to 10 miles if I
hundred vertical feet through rough
need to (I’m a big hiker and only run
brush and rock strewn terrain. Once
sparingly to preserve my old man
I got the deer off the canyon face, I’d
joints) and I feel better both physically
still have another mile or so to cover
and mentally.
before reaching my truck.
Over the years, many readers have
I was 44 years old at the time and at
come to me after noticing my weight
393 pounds I was what doctors refer