Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3625 Nov 24- Dec8 2017 | Page 5

saturday mornings 6:00-8:00AM
saturday mornings 5:00-6:00AM
... Ask Brooke ! brooke @ fishsniffer . com
VOL . 36 • ISS . 25

Hey Dan ! — Letters To The Editor

What ’ s on your mind ? Do you have something you ’ d like to share with us and our readers ? A picture ... a story ... a question to ask , or an answer to another ?
Let ’ s hear your compliments , or your gripes ! Whatever it is , send it to : HEY , DAN !, c / o Fish Sniffer Publications , The Fish Sniffer - P . O . Box 776 , Colfax , CA 95713 , or you can now e-mail it at danielbacher @ fishsniffer . com . Please enclose a self-addressed , stamped envelope for the return of pictures or text . Thanks !
North Coast Marine Protected Areas – State of the Region Report Now Available
Hey Dan !
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is pleased to announce the release of the State of the California North Coast report , now available on Oceanspaces . org .
This report contains key information about the biological , ecological , oceanographic , cultural , and socioeconomic conditions around the time of marine protected area ( MPA ) implementation on California ’ s North Coast , a geographic region extending from the California-Oregon border south to Point Arena . From 2013 through 2017 , 11 baseline projects across the North Coast collected data to create a comprehensive understanding of conditions in the region .
The State of the California North Coast report highlights information from these baseline projects and includes contributions from more than 30 organizations . Over the past five years , scientists , fishermen , tribal governments , citizen groups , and others have provided key input to better understand the North Coast .
Join Us November 1-3 for Public Community Gatherings
You are invited to discuss the report and additional MPA baseline information at community gatherings to be held from 6:00-7:30 p . m . in Crescent City ( November 1 ), Eureka ( November 2 ), and Fort Bragg ( November 3 ).
You ’ re welcome to join these gatherings to learn more about the findings and longterm statewide monitoring plans . More information can be found on the Oceanspaces North Coast State of the Region web page .
Crescent City – November 1 , 6:00-7:30 p . m . Crescent City Harbor Office Eureka – November 2 , 6:00-7:30 p . m . Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center Fort Bragg – November 3 , 6:00-7:30 p . m . Redwood Coast Senior Center For further information , email CDFW
Environmental Scientist Adam Frimodig . ~ Adam Frimodig
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Hey Adam !
The report fails to address three major flaws with the so-called “ marine protected areas ” created under the privately funded Marine Life Protection Act Initiative .
First , the document mention nothing about the terminally flawed “ science ” employed to create MPAs under the “ leadership ” of a convicted embezzler .
A federal judge in San Francisco on May 20 , 2014 sentenced Ron LeValley of Mad River Biologists , the former co-chair of the Marine Life Protection Act ( MLPA ) Initiative Science Advisory Team for the North Coast , to serve 10 months in federal prison for his role in a conspiracy to embezzle over $ 852,000 in federal funds from the Yurok Tribe .
In spite of numerous complaints , the Fish and Game Commission refused to review the legitimacy of the “ science ” used to create the “ marine protected areas ” developed under his helm at the same time that he was engaged in a conspiracy to embezzle money from the Yurok Tribe .”
Second , the report accepts as legitimate the tainted “ marine protected areas ” created under the helm of a Big Oil lobbyist and other corporate operatives with numerous conflicts of interest .
Catherine Reheis-Boyd , the president of the Western States Petroleum Association and relentless advocate for the expansion of fracking and offshore oil drilling and the evisceration of California ’ s environmental laws , chaired the MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force for the Southern California Coast at the same time that the region ’ s marine waters were being fracked by her industry .
She also served on the task forces for the Central Coast , North Central Coast and North Coast . The CDFW should support an investigation into what Reheis-Boyd knew about fracking off the coast at the time she served as Chair of the task force .
Third , the report fails to noted that socalled “ marine protected areas ” created under the helm of a convicted embezzler and oil industry don ’ t actually protect the ocean . The “ Yosemites of the Sea ” created under the privately funded initiative fail to protect the ocean from fracking , oil spills , offshore oil drilling , pollution , military testing and all human impacts other than sustainable fishing and gathering .
~ Dan

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Austin Slining of Grass Valley hit the upper reaches of Suisun Bay with master Delta skipper David Hammond and battled several sturgeon including this husky slot size keeper . As of press time , sturgeon fishing is going strong in Suisun Bay and the West Delta . Deep water areas are producing the best results . Eel is the top bait , but wise anglers are mixing things up with salmon roe , shrimp baits and even filleted shad . As long as the water remains above 50 degrees anglers can expect good sturgeon fishing .
Photo courtesy of CAPTAIN DAVID HAM- MOND , Delta Pro Fishing .

... Ask Brooke ! brooke @ fishsniffer . com

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Nov . 24 - Dec . 8 , 2017
Established 1982
CALIFORNIA-NEVADA EDITION “ The No . 1 Newspaper Dedicated Entirely To Northern California Sportsmen !” Published By NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ANGLER PUBLICATIONS , INC . The Fish Sniffer P . O . Box 776 , Colfax , CA 95713 Toll-Free ( 800 ) 748-6599 www . fishsniffer . com
CAL KELLOGG ’ S E-MAIL : calkellogg @. fishsniffer . com EDITORIAL E-MAIL : danielbacher @. fishsniffer . com
FOUNDERS Harold A . ( Hal ) Bonslett ( 1937-2000 ) Winnie A . Bonslett
ADMINISTRATION Paul Kneeland .................................... Publisher Daniel Bacher ..... Editor / Conservation Director Cal Kellogg ........... Editor / Media Development
ADVERTISING / MARKETING Paul Kneeland ................. Advertising Director Sheldon Bright ............. Advertising / Marketing Ernie Marlan ......................... Advertising Sales Kit McNear ........................... Advertising Sales
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GENERAL OFFICE Brooke Cyphers .......... Administrative Director Daniel Bacher ... Conservation , Special Features Paulette Kenyon ............................ Food Editor
SPECIAL FEATURES EDITORS Steve Lau , Kathie Morgan , Bill Kremeres , Bill Adelman , Dave Hurley , Jack Naves , Roland Aspiras , Michael McNeilly , Alaska Editor : Captain Steve Smith Graphic Design by Innovative Publications 530 621-4053 Printing by Gold Country Printing , Auburn , CA - ( 530 ) 852-0279
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