Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3625 Nov 24- Dec8 2017 | Page 6

Call for Best Dates – ( 530 ) 370-1001
Trout Planted Weekly !
4 Nov . 24 - Dec . 8 , 2017 VOL . 36 • ISS . 25
Trout Bite With Dropping Temps


CHESTER - The fall trout bite is underway at Lake Almanor for both boaters and bank anglers . Both rainbows and browns are in the mix , but rainbows make up most of the catch .
“ My friend Bill Reese and I took a fishing trip up to Lake Almanor last week to celebrate
Bill ’ s 60th birthday ,” reported Mark Courtland . “ We fished for two days and caught some really nice trout . On day one we trolled from my 12 foot Gregor and landed 5 rainbows and one brown . We kept two fish for dinner and let the rest go . I got the biggest fish that day . It was a rainbow that weighed 5.12 pounds . We tried a variety of different lures , but the best offering was half a threaded worm trolled behind a Sep ’ s watermelon


colored Side Kick Dodger . We trolled these rigs behind 2 colors of leadcore line with a 40 foot fluorocarbon leader .”
“ The next day the wind was blowing hard and it was spitting rain . We ’ d never bank fished at the lake before , but since boating was out of the question we decided to give it a try . We tossed out inflated worms and salmon eggs on the protected side of the launch ramp at Canyon Dam . For
the first hour , we got nothing . Just when we were thinking about giving up , Bill ’ s rod went off and he landed a 3 plus pound brown . For the next two hours , the action was pretty good . I landed a pair of rainbows and Bill got a rainbow too . The smallest fish we got was about 2 pounds and largest was a 4.1 pound rainbow . We


BLACK FRIDAY SPECTACULAR AT FISHERMAN ’ S WAREHOUSE November 24-December 25 , 2017- Every Friday From the day after Thanksgiving to Christmas at every Fisherman ’ s Warehouse location there will be special savings and you ’ ll pay no sales tax . Fisherman ’ s Warehouse boasts three locations . In Manteca , they are located at 2201 E . Yosemite Ave . ( 209 ) 239- 2248 . In Sacramento find them at 9035 Folsom Blvd . ( 916 ) 362-1200 . In San Jose , Fisherman ’ s is at 1120 Branham Lane ( 408 ) 266-6209 .
KITTLE ’ S OUTDOOR SPORTS BLACK FRIDAY EVENT November 24-26 , 2017- Kittle ’ s is offering a full range of hunting and fishing gear at blow out prices . If you ’ d like more information about Kittle ’ s Black Friday sale , check out their ad in this issue of the Fish Sniffer or give them a call at ( 530 ) 458-4868 .
SUPER POST THANKSGIVING SAVINGS AT WILL FISH TACKLE IN AUBURN November 25-27 , 2017- Will Fish Tackle in Auburn , Ca will be featuring an exciting pre-Christmas sale on a full range of tackle and gear . Will Fish Tackle is located at 11944 Masters Court in Auburn , Ca- ( 530 ) 887-0839 .
SPORTSMAN ’ S WAREHOUSE BLACK FRIDAY SALE November 24-30 , 2017- Get the gear you need at super prices during the Sportsman ’ s Warehouse Black Friday Sale at all 10 California Sportsman ’ s locations .
JACKSON RANCHERIA HOTEL AND CASINO PRESENTS MORRIS DAY AND THE TIME IN CONCERT December 9 , 2017 - Jackson Rancheria is featuring a performance from Morris Day And The Time in concert . For more information , call the casino at ( 800 ) 822-9466 .
FALL TURKEY SEASON CLOSES December 10 , 2017 - The fall turkey season opens throughout much of the state . For more information , check out the California DFW website at www . dfg . ca . gov .
JACKSON RANCHERIA HOTEL AND CASINO PRESENTS CHEECH & CHONG WITH SHELBY CHONG December 15 , 2017 - Jackson Rancheria is featuring a performance by Cheech & Chong . For more information , call the casino at ( 800 ) 822-9466
Free Bulletin Board -- Just Send Us The Info
Brought To You By
Fisherman ’ s Warehouse
December - Continued
GENERAL PHEASANT SEASON CLOSE December 24 , 2017 - The general pheasant season closes throughout much of the state . For more information , check out the California DFW website at www . dfg . ca . gov .
JACKSON RANCHERIA HOTEL AND CASINO PRESENTS LEZ ZEPLIN IN CONCERT January 20 , 2018- Jackson Rancheria is featuring a performance from Lez Zepplin in concert . For more information , call the casino at ( 800 ) 822-9466 .
SACRAMENTO INTERNATIONAL SPORTSMEN ’ S EXPO AT CAL EXPO January 18-21 , 2018 - This is the big one . Come on out to Cal Expo to learn about what ’ s new in the world of hunting and fish . The Sacramento ISE Show boasts hundreds of vendors and offers dozens of hard hitting seminars . For more information , check them out online at www . sportsexpos . com .
JACKSON RANCHERIA HOTEL AND CASINO PRESENTS MCKENNA FAITH IN CONCERT January 27 , 2018 - Jackson Rancheria is featuring a performance from McKenna Faith in concert . For more information , call the casino at ( 800 ) 822-9466 .
QUAIL SEASON CLOSES January 28 , 2018 - The quail season closes state wide for both mountain and valley quail . For more information , check out the California DFW website at www . dfg . ca . gov .
February / March
SACRAMENTO BOAT SHOW March 8-11 , 2018 - Cal Expo - Thursday and Friday 11-8 pm , Saturday 10 am - 8 pm , Sunday 10 am - 6 pm For more information , contact sacramentoboatshow . com , 916-372-4239 .
SANTA ROSA FISHING TACKLE AND DUCK DECOY SHOW March 9 and 10 , 2018 - This is the place to go for antiques , collectables , new and used tackle and much much more . The event will take place at 1351 Maple Ave in Santa Rosa . For more information , call ( 707 ) 539-3662 .
Send us us the details on on your upcoming seminar , , club meeting , , tournament or or other event Please allow for for a a 44 week lead time for for printing deadlines -- must be be received by by Friday two weeks prior to to publication date Send to to : : THE FISH SNIFFER , , 8421 Auburn Blvd ## 231 , , Citrus Heights , , CA CA 95610
At Fisherman ’ s Warehouse you ’ ll find our staff are experienced anglers who are here to provide you with expert advice and customer service . Your tackle is here -- all at the Best Prices !
3618 probably could have caught more , but a heavy rain shower sent us back to Chester for breakfast ,” he stated .
For a fantastic late season trout adventure at Lake Almanor , give Bryan Roccucci of Big Daddy ’ s Guide Service ( 530 ) 283-4103 or Cliff Spediacci of Hook & Ladder Guide Service ( 530 ) 250-5996 a ring .
Heavy Plants Boost Trout Catches
IONE – Trout season has arrived at Lake Amador . “ We started stocking a couple of weeks ago ,” said Elizabeth Lockhart at the Lake Amador Resort .
“ We are currently planting from our trout farm that re-opened in April of this year ,” she stated . “ Most trout average 2 pounds . We expect to continue stocking every day , Monday through Fridya , through the end of November , if not longer , then we will start planting every couple weeks .”
“ Early reports for the season from fishermen are that the trout are basically anywhere between 10-20 ft .,” she advised . “ White Power Bait and Eggs seem to be doing the trick at this time .”
The annual Tagged Trout Derby will start after

Lake Almanor Eagle Lake Lake Davis Bucks Lake Lake Tahoe

This young man took a family fishing trip to Lake Del Valle this October and was rewarded with this dandy striper .
Photo courtesy of the LAKE DEL VALLE MARINA , Lake Del Valle .
Thanksgiving . In other news , the lake management has paved the entrance road to the lake .
The lake level is currently 26 ft from full and the surface temperature is at 59 degrees , The launch ramp is still pavement but single lane , noted Lockhart .
For more information , go to : https :// www . facebook . com / LakeAmador95640 /
Steelhead Begin Showing In Lower River
SACRAMENTO - As is usually the case this time of year , steelhead are beginning to show in the lower American River below the SMUD powerline at the southwest boundary of Ancil Hoffman Park .
“ Shore anglers have been catching a few steelhead in the riffles while drifting roe ,” reported Dennis Pfanner at Sacramento Pro Tackle . “ Most of the fish are in the 2 to 3 lb . range .”
Expect to see the larger winter steelhead in the system soon as they follow fall chinook salmon into the American .
Nimbus Fish hatchery staff continue to spawn returning adult
Now Booking Fall Trout at Lake Almanor and Eagle Lake

Captain Bryan Roccucci www . BigDaddyFishing . com

Call for Best Dates – ( 530 ) 370-1001


Trout Planted Weekly !

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7500 Lake Amador Dr ., Ione , CA 95640