Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3707 March 16-30, 2018 | Page 7
March 16 - 30, 2018
VOL.37 • ISS. 07
Hey Dan! — Letters To The Editor
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our readers? A picture... a story... a question to ask, or an answer to another?
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Legislation Introduced to Increase
Fishing Participation in California
Declining participation rate harming wildlife
funding, outdoor tourism and jobs
Hey Dan!
February 28, 2018 (Sacramento, CA):
Assemblyman James Gallagher of Yuba City
introduced Assembly Bill 2465 which aims to
increase fishing participation throughout the
state by collaborating with the Department
of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) to identify and
remove barriers to sport fishing that have con-
tributed to a significant decline in the state’s
participation rate and sport fishing license
The California Sportfishing League, the
state’s leading advocate for recreational an-
glers, will serve as the bill’s sponsor.
This bill establishes a panel of sportfishing
leaders tasked with developing a strategic
plan to Retain, Recruit and Reactivate angler
participation, otherwise referred to as an “ R3
Stakeholder Group.” The goal of this group is
to develop and approve recommendations for
removal of those barriers, and submit to the
Legislature a report containing the approved
“California’s fishing participation rate has
declined to “dead last” in the Nation, and
developing solutions that increase participation
in outdoor recreation is long overdue,” said
Assemblymember James Gallagher. “Growing
fishing participation is critical to the state and
for communities that depend on recreational
fishing for outdoor tourism and jobs.”
Annual fishing license sales have declined
over 55% since 1980, while the population has
increased over 60%. This has had a consider-
able negative impact on funding for the DFW’s
conservation and hatchery programs. In 2017,
the California Fish and Game Preservation
Fund, funded by hunting and fishing licenses,
experienced a $20 million deficit. Absent an
influx of new revenue, future deficits are pro-
jected for years to come.
“There is a growing recognition among
wildlife agencies all over the country that
new and innovative approaches are needed to
make fishing more affordable and accessible,”
said Marko Mlikotin, executive director of the
CSL. “Passage of this bill will introduce more
Californians to the joy of fishing and the great
When California has one of the costliest
fishing licenses in the U.S., combined with
increasing limitations on when and where one
can fish, it comes as no surprise that Califor-
nia’s fishing participation rate ranks dead-last
in the U.S. (per capita). Consequently, annual
license sales have declined over 55 percent
since 1980, a time when annual licenses cost a
mere $5 a year.
Assemblymember James Gallagher is also
the author of AB 986, legislation that will
establish a 12-month fishing license, and
discount hunting and fishing licenses for Cali-
fornia veterans.
The California Sportfishing League is a
nonprofit coalition of recreational anglers, and
small business owners devoted to protecting
access to recreational fishing. Recreational
fishing contributes over $4.6 billion annually
to California’s economy, a major contributor to
outdoor tourism and jobs.
To learn more visit or
Twitter @CASportfishing.
~Marko Mlikotin, Marko@save-
fishing .com
Hey Marko!
Thanks for sponsoring this bill designed to
increase fishing participation throughout the
state. This legislation is long-overdue.
As California increases limitations on when
and where one can fish, I agree with you that
it is no surprise that California’s fishing par-
ticipation rate ranks dead-last in the U.S. (per
We need to increase fishing opportunities and
participation, not decrease them. I hope this
legislation passes through the Legislature and
is signed by the governor.
“The No.1 Newspaper
Dedicated Entirely
To Northern California Sportsmen!”
Published By
The Fish Sniffer
P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713
Toll-Free (833)-347-4661
MWD Looking to Get
Control of First Delta Tunnel
and State’s Water Distribution
Hey Dan!
On February 27 at the Metropolitan Water
District of Southern California (MWD)
Bay-Delta Committee meeting, General Man-
ager Jeff Kightlinger and Assistant General
Manager Roger Patterson revealed that Gov-
ernor Brown, the State Water Contractors, and
the Department of Water Resources (DWR)
have been part of discussions to move forward
with the first tunnel of the phased-in CA Water-
Fix project, while keeping quiet about specifics
of a potential second tunnel.
In addition to contributing to half of the
State Water Project share of the tunnel project,
MWD is considering the creation of a separate
joint-powers authority (JPA) to pay for the
Central Valley Project share of the tunnel,
providing it can achieve favorable contractual
guarantees from the state to control water de-
liveries and repayment terms for the project.
Mr. Kightlinger explained during a question
period that Santa Clara Valley Water District
staff is presenting an option to the Santa Clara
Valley Board to consider co-financing an $11
billion single tunnel as part of the phased-in
project. He also explained that Westlands Wa-
ter District has indicated interest in purchasing
wheeled water (water that is moved and resold
from project to project) from a project financed
by Metropolitan Water District. Kightlinger
also mentioned that Governor Brown wants de-
cisions made by MWD and other key players
within a two-week period.
MWD board members expressed deep
concern about Kightlinger’s goal of a board
action vote taking place this April before the
supplemental Environmental Impact Report
(EIR) is completed, and before the State Water
Resources Control Board diversion criteria and
permits are determined later this fall.
Restore the Delta’s executive director Bar-
bara Barrigan-Parrilla said,
“There is so much to unpack for the public
from what was revealed today at MWD’s
Bay-Delta Committee meeting. On the surface,
it is clear that the California Department of
Water Resources is moving forward with a two
tunnels application for the change in the point
of diversion to secure a State Water Project
right for MWD, who will become the finan-
cier and operator of the project. California’s
water management is being gamed to give the
majority of power over watershed management
throughout the state to Metropolitan Water Dis-
trict. The state is abdicating its responsibility to
manage water for all people in California as a
public trust resource.”
~Nora Kovaleski, Restore the
Hey Nora!
I greatly appreciate this alarming news
about Metropolitan Water District’s plan to
seize control of the first Delta Tunnel and Cali-
fornia’s water distribution system. We must do
everything in our power to stop this plan from
becoming reality.
Lenny Slender and Joe Dodge hold
up a pair of awesome San Pablo
Bay stripers that gobbled up herring
during a recent trip with Captain Chris
Smith. Big stripers have been popping
up in many different areas. Anglers
fishing San Pablo and Suisun Bays
are getting their fish on cut baits gen-
erally while targeting sturgeon. In the
West Delta, anglers fishing with live
baits are routinely hooking fish that
range from 20 to 40 pounds and guys
fishing well up the Sacramento River
in the Colusa area are landing and re-
leasing some massive 30 to 45 pound
fish while tossing a variety of different
Photo courtesy of CAPTAIN CHRIS SMITH,
Happy Hooker Sportfishing.
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