Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3708 March 30-April 13,2018 | Page 7

March 30 - April 13, 2018 VOL.37 • ISS. 08 Hey Dan! — Letters To The Editor COVER STORY 7 Established 1982 What’s on your mind? Do you have something you’d like to share with us and our readers? A picture... a story... a question to ask, or an answer to another? Let’s hear your compliments, or your gripes! Whatever it is, send it to: HEY, DAN!, c/o Fish Sniffer Publications, The Fish Sniffer - P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713, or you can now e-mail it at Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of pictures or text. Thanks! CALIFORNIA-NEVADA EDITION “The No.1 Newspaper Dedicated Entirely To Northern California Sportsmen!” Published By NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ANGLER PUBLICATIONS, INC. The Fish Sniffer P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713 Toll-Free (833)-347-4661 CAL KELLOGG’S E-MAIL: EDITORIAL E-MAIL: Call to Action: Stop the Anglers Urged to Fishing Tackle Ban! Return Overdue 2017 NO on AB 2787! Hey Dan! If you are a member of a recre- ational fishing club or have a business dependent on recreational fishing, we greatly appreciate your immediate assistance. As you know by now, the Califor- nia State Legislature is considering Assembly Bill 2787 that will ban all lead weights and sinkers 50 grams (1.75 ounces) or less. This state legis- lation will have a devastating impact on fishing participation rates, outdoor tourism, sales and jobs. With fewer licenses sold, the state will have even less revenue to stock fish and manage fisheries. What’s more, the price of alterna- tive fishing weights and sinkers could cost anglers 2-3 times more -- and most likely, even more! We were just notified that AB 2787 has been referred to a committee chaired by the bill’s author, Assem- bly Member Bill Quirk, and could be heard any day now. As a consequence, CSL has requests that require your immediate attention: 1) Letters from clubs, employ- ers, charter boat companies, marina operators, manufacturers, tackle shops, retailers, etc. need to be sent to the committee ASAP (Not an email. Email copies to CSL) 2) Circulate the petition, either electronically or by hard copy at your place of business. Ask your favor- ite tackle shop to collect signatures! (Download petition from CSL’s website) On how and where to address let- ters, visit -- or email or call 916.936.1777. Remember, if you think another angler is going to act on your behalf, it won’t happen -- and AB 2787 WILL make it to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk to become law! Anglers have a voice in the political process. Be heard. Thank you. Sturgeon Fishing Report Cards Hey Dan! The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (C DFW) is re- minding sturgeon anglers to return their 2017 Sturgeon Fishing Report Cards as required by law. Although the deadline to report their catch was Jan. 31, 2018, so far about 13,754 – or 31 percent – of the 44,374 report cards have been returned. Sport fishing regulations require that all sturgeon anglers return their report cards, even those who did not encounter sturgeon and who did not fish for white sturgeon. “Anglers who return their report cards are providing very good data, helping to protect the white stur- geon fishery, and helping to rebuild the populations of white sturgeon and threatened green sturgeon,” said Marty Gingras, CDFW Stur- geon Program Manager. “This is especially important given the years of drought that harmed recent sturgeon reproduction.” California’s white sturgeon and green sturgeon are anadromous, meaning they move from the ocean or brackish water to spawn in freshwater. Because their popula- tions were reduced by commercial fishing in the 19th century, stur- geon fisheries were mostly closed from 1901 through 1953. Since 1954, recreational fishing for white sturgeon has been allowed, and the fishery continues to be restricted in an effort to rebuild it. Green stur- geon is a federally listed threatened species and may not be fished for or harvested. Anglers can return their overdue report cards by mail to the address ~ Marko Mlikotin, Execu- printed on the card or – until April tive Director of the California Sportfishing League 1, 2018 — they can report online at the CDFW website at www. Hey Marko! Thanks for all of your hard work ing#44521416-harvest-reporting. following this bill. This horrible bill ~ Peter Tira, CDFW Commu- will have a devastating impact on nications fishing participa- tion rates, outdoor tourism, sales and jobs. I agree with 2906 San Jose’s most “COMPLETE” tackle store! you that with fewer With large selection & low prices for fresh and saltwater. THE LATEST BASS TACKLE FOR THE licenses sold, the TOURNAMENT ANGLER state will have Catch A Great Deal At even less revenue to stock fish and RODS • REELS • LINE • FROGS • SWIMBAITS • JIGS manage fisheries. HOOKS • TERMINAL TACKLE ª HARDBAITS We must stop this SOFT PLASTICS • SPECIALS • CLOSEOUTS & MUCH MORE! attack on anglers On your way to: Anderson, Calero, Coyote & San Luis and our fisheries 5 miles south of San Jose right now! South on 101, exit at Bernal Road West, South on Monterey Road ~Dan (408) 463–0711 Coyote Bait & Tackle COYOTEBAIT.COM FOUNDERS Harold A. (Hal) Bonslett (1937-2000) Winnie A. Bonslett Perch fishing is going strong in Monterey Bay and elsewhere on the northern and central California coast. The Sand Crab Class Perch Derby, a benefit for the Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project, drew 300 anglers to Santa Cruz on March 10. Emiko Ancheta of Richmond won first place in the junior barred perch division of the event by bag- ging a one-pound, 7.7-ounce fish measuring 13 1/8 inches off Rio Del Mar. Photo by Dan Bacher, Fish Sniffer Staff. ADMINISTRATION Paul Kneeland....................................Publisher Daniel Bacher.....Editor/Conservation Director Cal Kellogg...........Editor/Media Development ADVERTISING/MARKETING Paul Kneeland.................Advertising Director Sheldon Bright.............Advertising/Marketing Ernie Marlan.........................Advertising Sales Kit McNear...........................Advertising Sales PRODUCTION Cal Kellogg...................Director of Production Wes Ward........................................Webmaster GENERAL OFFICE Brooke Cyphers..........Administrative Director Daniel Bacher...Conservation, Special Features Paulette Kenyon............................Food Editor The Fish Sniffer has a NEW PHONE NUMBER! Contact us Toll Free at 1-833-347-4661 ADDRESS CHANGE FORM MOVING OR MOVED? Send us your new address so we can get your FISH SNIFFER publications coming to your proper address... ON TIME, EVERY TIME! Name__________________________________ OLD Address____________________________ City, State, ZIP___________________________ NEW Address____________________________ City, State, ZIP___________________________ Send To: THE FISH SNIFFER P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713 Or Call Toll-Free 1-833-347-4661 Save Time And Errors... Attach Your Mailing Label! SPECIAL FEATURES EDITORS Steve Lau, Kathie Morgan, Bill Kremeres, Bill Adelman, Dave Hurley, Jack Naves, Roland Aspiras, Michael McNeilly, Alaska Editor: Captain Steve Smith Graphic Design by Innovative Publications 530 621-4053 Printing by Gold Country Printing, Auburn, CA - (530) 852-0279 THE FISH SNIFFER is entered as periodical postage at Citrus Heights, CApost office and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to THE FISH SNIFFER, The Fish Sniff- er P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713, All rights re- served. THE FISH SNIFFER (ISSN-0747-3397) is an independent outdoor newspaper published bi-weekly on Fridays twenty-six (26) times an- nually, by NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ANGLER PUBLICATIONS, INC., The Fish Sniffer, P.O. Box 776 Colfax, CA 95713. The content of this publication are for the general information, convenience and entertainment of the reader. Neither Fish Sniffer nor any of its princi- pals, staff or incidental damages, or inconvenience incurred or experienced, related to these contents, and do not warrant their accuracy or reliability. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year (26)..........................................$40.00 Counter Price (Single Issue)*...................$2.75 * CA Sales Tax on Retail Sales Only Note: subscriptions paid in advance are non-cancellable, and not subject to refund, but may be transfered upon request. ADVERTISING INFORMATION Address all advertising inquires to Advertising De- partment, THE FISH SNIFFER, The Fish Sniffer, P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713. Tel. toll-free (800) 748- 6599 weekdays 8AM-5PM, or leave message 24 hours. Rates and other information available on request. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE FISH SNIFFER ... We Reach SPORTSMENT! Contact these reps for information: Sheldon Brigh t.................(916) 714-4538 Ernie Marlan.....................(916) 204-7373