Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3715 July 6-20 2018 | Page 19
July 6 - 20, 2018
VOL.37 • ISS. 15
Worm’in All Bass!
Texas rig is the
of worm
presentations. It
worked great four
decades ago and
it works just as
well today. This
big Lake Pardee
gobbled a Texas
rigged Senko with
a pegged weight.
The Fantastic Plastic Worm
This Folsom Lake
spotted bass couldn’t pass up
a wacky rigged Senko. The
wacky rig is a great choice
whenever you want a vertical
presentation in shallow to
moderately deep water.
If you want to cover ground
with a plastic worm or plastic
creature bait, the Carolina Rig is
the way to go. Make a long cast,
allow the rig to sink and then
drag the rig across the bottom.
Sometimes you’ll feel a tap or tick on the strike, but most often you’ll just
feel pressure. Set the hook and it’s, BASS ON!
This husky
smallmouth put
the chomp on a
purple and brown
Robo Worm.
Straight tail finesse
worms don’t look
like much in the
package, but in the
water the gliding
action they provide
closely imitates a
minnow sulking
along the bottom.
ack in the 1950’s investment ad-
visors could be heard telling their
clients, “Invest in plastics, they are the
wave of the future.” Whether or not an
investment in the plastics industry during
the 50’s helped put money
in the bank I can’t say. But,
I know from experience that
the angler that invests in
plastics or more specifically
plastic worms will put a lot
of bass in the boat over the
course of a year and some of
them will likely be big boys.
Of course, plastic worms
aren’t a new innovation.
They’ve been around for
over 50 years, yet that is
a testament to their effec-
tiveness. While most bass
aficionados acknowledge that
plastics represent a means
of hooking fish when most other methods
fail, few anglers are fully utilizing worms.
These days some guys use worms primar-
ily as drop shot baits. Others never reach
for a worm unless everything else from
swimbait to spinnerbait to crankbaits has
failed to produce.
The fact is, we could throw away ev-
erything in our well stocked tackle boxes,
lay in a supply of plastic worms in a few
different colors, styles and sizes, add
some hooks and weights, and we’d catch
as many fish as we usually do over the
course of a season with a much broader
collection of lures.
Worms are the most versatile bait avail-