VOL . 37 • ISS . 19 Aug 31 - Sept 7 , 2018
A Versatile Spoon for Fall Trout Fishing
For lures to survive the test of time they ’ ve got to be effective and versatile . By versatile I ’ m talking about a lure that can be used in a variety of different situations for a variety of different species . To illustrate this point let ’ s step out of the fishing world for a moment and consider a roll of duct tape . If you own a home or a boat or work with your hands , you ’ ve got to have a roll or three of duct tape because of its utility and versatility . You can use it to fix a hose , patch your tent , fix your shoe or bandage your finger or the blister on your heel . Dick Nite Spoons are like the “ duct tape
NorCal Trout Anglers Challenge !
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For both Bank Anglers and Boat Anglers !
of fishing ”, simply because there are few situations where the lure WON ’ T catch fish … That ’ s why they ’ ve been on the market for over 60 years ! What is a Dick Nite ? It ’ s a thin bladed wobbling spoon that does an exceptional job of imitating baitfish . These spoons come in a range of sizes from super tiny to about 2 7 / 8 inches long . When trolled , they are proven killers on trout , kokanee and landlocked kings . Pretty much anything that gobbles baitfish will hit a trolled Dick Nite . Simply select a spoon that roughly matches the size of the baitfish the fish are eating and you ’ re in business .
Top 50 adult finishers from all 2018 tournaments are eligible for a chance to win the Grand Raffle Prize : A New 14 ’ Tracker boat & 9.9 Mercury motor and trailer package !
Top 25 youth finishers from all 2018 tournaments are eligible for a chance to win the Grand Raffle Prize :
Thousands Of Catchable Trout Planted In Each Lake !
Derby hours 7am to 2 pm TOC Entry Fee : $ 25 per Qualifying Adult
Qualifying Kids 15 and under FREE $ 10 High Roller Side Pot Option ( 5-Qualifiers Awarded ) FREE Raffle after Weigh-in for Eligible Tournament Participants State Fishing Licenses are required and Calif . DFW rules apply ONLINE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE AT WWW . ANGLERSPRESS . COM
by Cal Kellogg
And Dick Nite Spoons come in a ton of different colors . Now as you likely already know , I ’ m a match the hatch kind of guy when it comes to color so I like chrome and brass models in many cases , but you ’ ll also catch me running black , orange and dual color Dick Nites . In general , I think the best color is the color you have the most confidence in and with Dick Nite ’ s extensive color selection you ’ ll find the color or colors that you absolutely love ! Of course , trolling is only part of the story with Dick Nites …. You can side drift the super tiny models for trout in much the same
• FEB . 3rd .................. San Pablo Dam Res .
• March 3rd ............... Lake Pardee
• APRIL 7th ................ Collins Lake
• APRIL 28th .............. Lake Amador
• OCT . 13th ................ Lake Pardee
• NOV . 3-4th ... Tournament of Champions ... Collins Lake
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Entry Fee ONLY $ 20 and KIDS ARE FREE !
way you ’ d fish a salmon egg . You can team them with a water bobber and toss them from the shore of a lake for a super stealthy near surface presentation and you can even vertically jig with them … I ’ ve caught spotted bass to 3 pounds while jigging Dick Nites off the docks at Lake Shasta ! For more information go to www . dicknite . com .
California Inland Fisheries Foundation 27th Annual Banquet Slated for Oct . 28 !
Auctions , raffles , games , great food , laughs and more while helping to fund fishing in California !
This year there are over $ 50,000 in prizes up for grabs and lots of guns will be raffled off too ! This year the event is going to take place at 52 Natoma Street in Folsom , Ca at the Folsom Community Center . Reserve your spot now by calling ( 209 ) 810-9603 . For more information see the ad in this edition of the Fish Sniffer !
Fisherman ’ s Warehouse
Phone Entry Reservations : ( 916 ) 768-0938 • Enter Online At www . anglerspress . com Mail Entry To : Anglers Press P . O . Box 601956 , Sacramento , CA 95680 EXHIBITOR BOOTHS • HUGE RAFFLE AFTER THE WEIGH-IN • PRIZES • FAMILY FUN & EXCITEMENT ! * Prizes and payout are subjected to change without notice
A Sheldon Bright Production . * Boats shown with options .
CASH and PRIZES for the Adults Division !
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