Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3721 Sept 28- Oct 12 | Page 11

VOL . 37 • ISS . 21

Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau : Your Source For Delta Information !

California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau is an organization of

chambers of commerce , visitor ’ s bureaus , businesses and boosters in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta .
The area , also called the “ California Delta ,” strives to enhance the enjoyment for visitors to this unique 1,000-mile waterway , while striving to protect and preserve the area ’ s fragile beauty . The organization was established more than a quarter-century ago . Many members of the chambers first came to the Delta on holiday or vacation , fell in love with this boating and fishing paradise , and later established their roots in the Delta . Some first experienced these profuse waterways on a rental houseboat , or on a fishing charter for sturgeon or striped bass ; others rolled in on RVs and liked the area ’ s hospitality . The Delta is a fresh-water system primarily comprised of fertile agricultural islands that sit below sea level , but are protected by a stout system of levees . It is fed by five major rivers , including the Sacramento River and the San Joaquin River . There is a remoteness to the lightly populated inner Delta . The lifestyle here is decidedly laid back , a sort of Huck Finn kind of existence . Boating , fishing , and camping are a way of life . Some of the historic river towns are little changed from the Gold Rush era when paddlewheel steamboats came piping their arrival with the steam-driven calliope . Drawbridges yawn open to let boating traffic pass , you cross some waterways on lumbering cable-drawn car ferries , the postman delivers mail by boat . Although Sacramento and Stockton are at the Delta ’ s doorsteps , and San Francisco , “ Silicon Valley ,” and the great valley city of Fresno are no more than a two-hours drive from the California Delta , word about the attributes of this great place has not been quick to spread . In a way , the river people appreciate that . It ’ s gratifying to be privy to knowledge of a cool place that is not widely known . On the other hand , people enjoy the Delta so much that the chambers want to show it off to visitors . For all its rural charm , the California Delta caters to visitors ’ needs . It boasts over 100 marinas and waterside resorts , full-hookup RV parks and campgrounds . There are quaint waterside restaurants for dining , grocery stores for provisions bait and tackle shops , and over 50 boat launching facilities . Public parks and bank-fishing sites are numerous . For more information drop by the Delta Chambers booth at this year ’ s show or visit them on the web at www . calforniadelta . org . You can give them a call at ( 916 ) 777-4041 .

Rio Vista Bass Derby

Sept 28 - Oct 12 , 2018
( 833 ) -347-4661


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