Call for Best Dates – ( 530 ) 370-1001
Trout Planted Seasonally !
• Cabins and Lodge Rooms
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( 209 ) 295-4868 40800 Highway 88 , Pioneer , CA 95666 www . bearrivercampground . com
6 Sept 28 - Oct 12 , 2018 VOL . 37 • ISS . 21
Rainbows & Kings Bend Rods !
CHESTER - “ It is early September and fall is in the air ,” reported Captain Bryan Roccucci of Big Daddy ’ s Guide Service . “ Mornings have a little cooler feel to them as we are shooting across the lake but the afternoons have been warm and sunny .”
“ The water temperature is down just a bit at basically 70 degrees and the fish are on the bite ! Every year , as this little change in the weather begins to happen , the fish start to think about getting ready for winter and that means strapping on the feed bags , and chewing on some pond smelt ,” said Roccucci .
“ We have been seeing a mix of rainbows and king salmon running from 2 to over 6 pounds , with limit to near limit numbers depending on the size of the party I ’ m fishing with . In recent days , it honestly has been hard to keep rods in the water the first few hours of the morning , and while the bite may slow a bit as the day goes on , the big fish still keep slamming our baits . The biggest fish of the day yesterday was our last fish . If you are looking to get in on some fantastic light tackle action , now would be a good choice ,” Roccucci advised .
“ Also on the near horizon is the fall season at Eagle Lake . October and November are prime months to experience Eagle Lake at its best . The calendar is starting to fill up , so book now to secure your dates to chase the Eagle Lake rainbows . - ( 530 ) 370-1001 .
Catfish Top Prospect Until Trout Plants Begin
IONE – Channel catfish should offer the most consistent fishing at Lake Amador until the trout plants begin in the reservoir this October with the arrival of cooler
Lake Almanor Eagle Lake Lake Davis Bucks Lake Lake Tahoe
weather .
“ People in one boat reported catching 11 catfish in two hours ,” said Laurie Lockhart of the Lake Amador Resort . “ The two fish that they kept weighed 6 pounds each . They used chicken livers in the Jackson Creek area . They also landed one crappie .”
“ We won ’ t begin stocking the trout until the weather changes and the surface water temperature cools ,” said Lockhart . “ Usually that happens by Halloween .”
The resort will be planting Donaldson strain cuttbows , rainbow / cutthroat hybrids , that they have been raising in their hatchery for the past two years , according to Lockhart . They will also stock other trout from Mt . Lassen as necessary .
“ The bass fishing has been hit and miss lately ,” said Lockhart . “ Boaters have experienced the top action while throwing Senkos and Brush Hogs . Bass action should be good during the next full moon on September 24 .”
The lake level is 22 feet from full at Amador .
Anglers Gear Up for Fall Chinooks
SACRAMENTO – Few anglers have been fishing for salmon on the American River lately , with the majority of focus now on the Sacramento River near Red Bluff and the Feather River below the Thermalito Afterbay .
However , the fishing is expected to improve as the American River fall Chinook run begins to arrive in the Sacramento area this month . “ Fishing for salmon is pretty quiet on the American now ,” said Alan Fong of Fisherman ’ s Warehouse .
“ The hatchery weir was installed on September 6 and you know what that means – salmon season at Nimbus is around the corner ,” according to a tweet from Nimbus Fish Hatchery . “ Stay tuned for the announcement of
Now Booking Fall Trout at Lake Almanor and Eagle Lake
Captain Bryan Roccucci www . BigDaddyFishing . com
Call for Best Dates – ( 530 ) 370-1001
on Highway 88 at Carson Pass
the date for the opening of the ladder .”
The U . S . Bureau of Reclamation reduced water releases below
Nimbus Dam from 2,200 cfs to 1,800 cfs on August 28 and 29 due to “ reduced delta needs ,” according to Peggy Manza of Reclamation .
Your best bet on the river now is targeting striped bass , but fishing pressure for stripers is also very light . Anglers fishing the river from Sailor Bar to Howe Avenue should toss out Zara Spooks and Pencil Poppers early and late in the day . During the heat of the day , fishermen should fish with jumbo minnows , sardines and anchovies .
- Dan Bacher
Bass Go On Afternoon Bite
NAPA – Black bass continue to be on a solid afternoon bite on Lake Berryessa , according to Larry Hemphill , fishing guide .
“ What is with the 3 PM afternoon bite ?” asked Hemphill . “ That is supposed to be the dead period in August . Mike Sperbeck landed 2 nice bass last week about the same time after we had just started .”
“ I took ‘ Cover Girl ’ Clara Ricabal to Berryessa on Tuesday ,” he stated . “ She wanted to learn about spoon fishing , summer areas for bass , etc . We were using Blade Runner spoons in the 1-1 / 4 and 1-3 / 4 oz size ,”
“ Again , the bite was fair , not as good as normal . She is a talented angler and picked the technique up pretty quickly . She even caught the biggest bass , a nice 3 1 / 2 + pound largemouth . She always does ,” Hemphill said .
“ We found good summer bass action again around 3 pm ,” he added . “ She did some dropshotting also , and that technique was still good . She has her own collection
EAGLE LAKE CABINS Home of the Eagle Lake Trophy Trout
* Furnished Cabins from $ 50 night or $ 300 week * Awesome Trophy Trout Fishing * Hiking and Biking * Great for Relaxation
Chrome bright kings are up for grabs in the Capital . This Sac river king couldn ’ t pass up a jigging spoon on August 27 .
Photo courtesy of ROMEO ’ S BAIT & TACKLE .
Trout Planted Seasonally !
• Cafe • RV Park • Waterslide
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Cafe Open Seasonally On Friday , Saturday & Sundays
3721 of worm colors , so I ’ m not sure what was best .”
“ We had to deal with a fair amount of wind on the main body , but still were able to fish ok . Our best five only about 12 lbs , but we had a short day because of her work schedule . We aught all 3 species
7500 Lake Amador Dr ., Ione , CA 95640
Continued on Pg 12
• Cabins and Lodge Rooms
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• Marina
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Ken Salvi caught this 4 lb , 24 inch German brown in July 2017 near Emigrant Creek . For information , call ( 209 ) -258-8888
CAPLES LAKE RESORT P . O . Box 88 , Kirkwood , Ca 95646
www . capleslakeresort . com
For Reservations ( 530 ) 825-2131 686-920 Spalding Rd ., Susanville , CA 96130 www . eaglelakeheritage . com
Great Fishing for Rainbows , Browns and Lake Trout !
• Cabins • Campground • Restaurant & Bar
• Fishing Boat Rentals Call for Information and Reservations
( 209 ) 295-4868 40800 Highway 88 , Pioneer , CA 95666 www . bearrivercampground . com