Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3801 Dec 22-Jan 4 | Page 7
VOL.38 • ISS. 1
Dec 21, 2018 - Jan 4, 2019
Spotlight On Kayak Fishing...
Sponsered by
Kayak City
in Citrus Heights, CA
Kayak City.Com
Kayaking During The
Cold Chill Of Winter
By Cal Kellogg
I’m approaching the end of my first year as
a kayak angler and I’ve got to confess that
the sport has lived up to all my expectations
and more.
My Hobie Pro Angler 14 from Kayak City
has proven to be a deadly fishing platform
whether I’m trolling for trout or casting
for bass. The fact is, I’ve had just as much
success fishing out of my kayak as I’ve
had in years past while fishing out of a
powerboat. But right now, I’m confronting a
situation that I knew was coming…The cold
When you’re bank fishing or fishing out
In this shot we get a good view of author Cal Kellogg’s orange NRS Chinook PFD. Notice that Lucy is also wearing
of a big powerboat, cold weather can be a
a PFD. PFD’s are must have gear any time you are on the water, but they are especially critical when you are
factor, but not like
fishing from a small craft during the cold water months.
when you’re
When you launch and retrieve a
I also wanted something with stocking feet as opposed to big clumsy
kayak, you’ve got to make contact
boots. After a lot of searching I stumbled on Frogg Togg Pilot II Guide
with the water.
Pants. They are basically waist high stocking foot waders that
Furthermore, since you’re fishing
come complete with a belt and zipper pockets.
from a small craft, despite the fact
The Frogg Toggs have solved all my problems.
that modern fishing kayaks are
I wear running tights and socks under-
extremely stable and I’ve never
neath and don the same clog shoes I
even came close to falling in,
wore during the summer for walking
you’ve also got to assume you’re
around the launch. Once I’m in the
going to end up in the water
kayak, the clogs come off and I
during an emergency and you’ve
spend the day peddling shoeless,
got to plan accordingly.
just like I did during warm
As summer gave way to fall, I
started wearing warmer clothes,
The rest of my cold gear is pretty
but even when I visited Lake
standard consisting of a high quality
Almanor and Davis Lake in
low bulk jacket, stocking caps and
October when the air tempera-
neoprene gloves with a couple fingers
cold hands
ture was in the 20’s early I still
strategically cut out so I can tie knots
is just as bad
Frogg Togg stocking foot waist waders are
as having cold
a great option that keep you dry while not
feet. Neoprene glove like these solve
interfering with freedom of movement.
Overall the most important
the problem of cold hands and numb
piece of gear I wear is my NRS fingers.
Chinook Fishing PFD.
launching my kayak. Once afloat and
My Chinook is a type III
offshore I dried my feet, put on heavy
floatation device, that features a specially designed back
socks and got busy fishing.
that doesn’t ride up while kayaking. This makes it super
That strategy doesn’t work now because
comfortable, but it’s more than just a life jacket.
the water temperatures have gotten a lot
The Chinook features a bunch of pockets small and large
colder and it doesn’t warm up later in the
as well as various anchor points, making it a great way to
morning like it did back in October. In
organize and keep the gear I need close at hand.
short I can’t wade into the water barefoot
Whenever you are on the water you should be wearing a
PFD the entire time and this is doubly true when fishing
The obvious answer to my problem
from small craft. Get a comfortable PFD like my NRS
was a pair of waders, but I didn’t
Chinook and wear it. It just might save your life!
want chest waders. I didn’t want to
get into a big hassle undressing my
torso to pull down the waders the
Here we see a close-up image of an NRS Chinook PFD. The
vest features pockets big and large, multiple anchor points, a
318 times a morning I have to go to
waist belt, sturdy zipper and more. Chinook PFDs come in a
the bathroom…LOL.
variety of colors. Author Cal Kellogg opted for an orange model
for maximum visibility on the water.
Photo courtesy of NRS FISHING.