Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3822 Oct 11-25 | Page 11
Oct 11 - 25, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 22
Celebrate the Fall Fishing Season in your New Boat!
Sutter Marine Features G 3 Jet Boats!
he words quality, performance
and satisfaction are the three
words that the folks at G 3 Boats have
built their business around.
Through a total team approach, the G 3
family of craftsmen, many of whom have
been in the industry for decades, consis-
tently produce boats with better fit and
finish, outstanding on-water performance,
and ultimately, higher customer satisfac-
tion than any other aluminum boat line in
the industry.
G3 Boats has received the highest level
of industry Customer Satisfaction award
for more consecutive years than any
other aluminum boat manufacturer. As a
Yamaha Marine company, you can trust
that building quality product is a daily
focus at G3 Boats.
The G3 2019 Gator Tough
17 CC Jet Boat
G3 tunnel hull technology continues to
lead the industry
in performance
and innovation.
The placement
of the consoles,
far forward of the
usual location,
provides a quick
hole shot, along
with weight
distribution that
trims the boat
for shallow draft
running. The
transom height
raises the jet
engine above the
bottom of the
boat, while the
tunnel design directs water to the lower
unit intake to provide the ultimate in
shallow water performance.
The Jet motor is elevated above the
bottom of the boat while the tunnel design
directs water to the intake, for outstanding
shallow water performance.
Here in northern California, the folks at
Sutter Marine represent your official G 3
retailer. If you’d like a state of the art G3
Gator Tough Boat at special boat show
pricing, reach out to the team at Sutter
Marine. Sutter Marine is located at 380
Garden Highway, Yuba City, Ca, (530)
Free Video “Watch List” Available
To Help Protect Our Boating Environment
very year, over four million
recreational boaters seek
enjoyable outdoor angling and water
sports experiences along California’s
waterways. With all of these people on and
in the water, there is a very real possibility
of pollution that can quickly take the fun
out of boating. For example, did you know
that untreated sewage from a single boat
toilet contains the same number of harmful
pathogens as 10,000 flushes of your toilet
at home? Hold your nose and nod, “Yes!”
According to the San Francisco Regional
Water Quality Control Board, the waste
from your home is processed by a sewage
treatment plant, while the waste from your
boat is not.
Beyond sewage, oil and fuel contain
harmful components, which can affect
human health and severely damage our
aquatic environment, even very small
quantities. According to the Environ-
mental Protection Agency, one gallon of
oil spilled (such as during an oil change on
your boat’s engine), can ruin one million
gallons of drinking water, the supply for
50 people in one year.
Properly managing oil, fuel and sewage
makes a big difference in protecting our
boating experience and the environment.
Please view and share the following
videos at Boating-
CleanAnd- They will show how you
can help keep California waters safe and
Marine Sanitation Devices and Y-Valves.
This video explains the laws regarding boat
Marine Sanitation Devices, the effects of
discharging sewage overboard, and how to
secure a boat’s Y-valve to prevent an acci-
dental sewage discharge.
Sewage Management. This video shows
you how to use a sewage pumpout station.
The Oil and Fuel videos. These videos
show tips and tools to prevent oil and fuel
discharges; to report oil and chemical spills;
and to dispose of used oil correctly. They
also provide information on environmental
About The Videos
Videos were created by The Bay Founda-
tion, the San Francisco Estuary Partnership
(with funding from the California State
Parks Division of Boating and Waterways
Clean Vessel Act Education Program and
a Federal Clean Vessel Act grant through
the Sport Fish Restoration Program) and
the California Boating Clean and Green
Program (California State Parks Division of
Boating and Waterways and The California
Coastal Commission).
Shown with optional equipment
2019 Gator Tough 18’ Side Console
Complete package with welded hull, Tuff Coat liner, side console
with steering, two livewells, lockable storage, 2 fishing seats,
19 gallon built-in fuel tank, Yamaha 90/65 hp outboard jet,
galvanized trailer with detachable tongue and much more!
Service Department Featuring
Factory Certified Technicians
(530) 673-6250
380 Garden Hwy.• Yuba City, Calif.