Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3817 August 2- 16 2019 | Page 20
Aug 2 - 16, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 17
Live The North River Dream!
very once in a while, a red-hot deal shows up and
this is one of those times. You’ve been dreaming
of owning a big bad heavy aluminum boat, but the price
tags on new boats are simply beyond your grasp.
What if you could get your hands on a 21 foot fully
equipped 2003 North River Seahawk with only 200
hours on the engine for many thousands of dollars off
the MSRP price?
selection features 1/6 and ¼ ounce Speedy
Shiners, large Ex-Cels, Silver Horde King-
fisher Lite Spoons (KFL) in the 2 5/8 and
3 inch sizes, ½ ounce Luhr Jensen Kroc-
odiles and half ounce Mack’s Lure Hum
For trolling my go to spoons are Speedy
Shiners, KFLs and the large Hum Dingers.
While I do troll Krocodiles from time
to time, I mainly use these spoons when
casting from the bank for both lake and
stream trout.
When it comes to the Slimfish and KFLs
I swap out the factory included J hooks
for trebles. I just don’t like the looks of
the hooks that come on the Slimfish. The
KFL is actually intended for silver salmon
trolling in the ocean, so it’s hook is a bit
large for reservoir trolling. The KFL’s
hooks are rigged on a welded ring, so to
swap out the hook you’ve got to cut the
ring and replace it with a standard split
I’ve been playing with standard black
nickel trebles as well as red trebles just to
see if the red hook offers an advantage.
Some days I’m convinced that red hook
spoons out fish dark hook spoons, but other
days it doesn’t seem to make a lick of
Spoon color is always an issue. I
generally start out with pearl, baitfish or
watermelon color offerings, but I have an
in-depth selection of bright colors as well.
Well this is your opportunity. Fish Sniffer Staffer
Bruce Wicks has decided to sell his North River.
The boat is dialed in for California fishing with all
the bells and whistles. Bruce is asking $29,950 for
the boat, trailer and all the gear!
To learn more, give Bruce a call at (530)
906-2224. To see photos and video of the boat, visit
By Cal Kellogg
Some days matching the hatch works, other
days the brightest most unnaturally looking
offering draw all the strikes.
During a recent visit to Folsom when trout
and kings were feeding heavily on chrome
bright pond smelt I couldn’t get a touch on
a baitfish colored Speedy Shiner. Instead the
fish wanted copper and frog pattern spoons
that looked nothing like the forage….Fishing
Will Make You Crazy!
The Gear
If the trout and salmon you are targeting
are holding over 30 feet deep you’ll need to
employ downriggers to get down. If the fish
are shallower then 30 feet you’ll be able to
target them using hybrid leadcore rigs without
having to fuss with downrigger weights or
release clips, simply spool out your line, wait
for the strike, fight the fish and repeat!
Here’s how one of my hybrid leadcore
outfits looks. For a rod, I employ 7’5” Vance’s
Tackle spiral wrapped E Glass trolling rod.
My rig makes use of braid, fluorocarbon and
of course leadcore. All of these materials
are low stretch and that’s why I choose an E
Glass rod over a graphite rod.
Vance’s rods are highly parabolic and the
action is slow. This cushions the strike and
headshakes of the fish.
The rod is matched with an Abu Garcia
5500 Line Counter reel. The reel is spooled
with 250 yards of 20-pound braid, which
is about the diameter of 4-pound mono. To
the end of the braid I splice on 3 colors of
Subscription Special
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1 Year…26 issues…..$40
3 Years…78 issues….$100
Emigrant Group Camp Area
PLUS your choice of Vance’s Downrigger Rod or
Daiwa LCB Line counter Reel FREE with a 3 yr subscription!
(based on 125
Lots of Prizes – Cash paid to 15 th Place
Can’t Decide on the Reel or the Rod? Special Bonus:
Get a 3 year Subscription with BOTH the Vance’s Rod and Daiwa Reel for only $175
Entry Fees: Adult $45 (Non Member $55) • Junior FREE (with paid adult)
Register Online at:
Subscribe online at or Call (833)-347-4661
All online registration will close at midnight Wednesday, 8/7/19. Please plan accordingly!
No Friday Afternoon sign ups for this derby — YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER —
Or Mail Print Subscriptions to: The Fish Sniffer • P.O. Box 776 • Colfax, CA 95713-0776
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secure connection.
With this rig I put on a lure or bait and
run out all the leadcore. Then I spool the
braid backing off and keep track of how
much line I’m putting out using the line
counter. Depending on how much backing
I have out and the speed of the troll, I can
reach down to depths of 25 feet or perhaps
a bit more.
When using this rig not only can I adjust
my depth quickly by simply letting out or
retrieving line, I can also work the rod at
critical times and give the rig some extra
life and action. This comes into play when
working shoreline structure while fast
I like to back the drag on the reel off and
put on the clicker. When a fish strikes and
that clicker screams it really gets my heart
Pheasant, Chukar and Sporting Clays
At Its Finest
• 3 PHEASANTS FOR ...$92
• 8 CHUKARS FOR.......$154
3 Pheasants &
100 Sporting Clays
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Your Choice of Print Edition or
Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Subscription
1 Year..... $40
3 Years... $100
with Rod
with Reel
3 Years with
Rod & Reel.... $175
leadcore. To the end of the leadcore
I splice on 20 feet of 15 or 17-pound
fluorocarbon tipped with a swivel. To
the swivel, I attach a 3 to 4 foot 8 or
10-pound fluorocarbon leader.
I played with several different knots
for linking the braid and fluorocarbon to
the leadcore, but the method I’m about
to describe was not only the simplest,
but also formed an extremely smooth
connection that travels through the eyes
of the rod without a hitch.
To make the connection, worm the
woven sheath of the leadcore back
and expose the lead wire inside. When
you’ve got about 3 inches of the lead
exposed, clip it off and then straighten
out the now hollow sheath. Tie an
overhand (granny) knot in the hollow
sheath near the end of the lead wire, but
don’t draw the
knot down tight.
Next slide the
braid or fluo-
rocarbon you
want to connect
the leadcore to
into the hollow
sheath and work
it all the way
up to overhand
knot. Holding the
braid or fluoro-
carbon in place
inside the hollow
sheath work the
overhand knot
down nearly to
the end of the
sheath. When the
overhand knot is
positioned about a
quarter inch from
the end of the
sheath draw the
knot down tight.
That’s it, you’re
done and you’ve
formed a super
45 Miles North
of Sacramento
smooth super
FREE Daiwa Line Counter Reel
Vances Downrigger Rod
with 3 Year Subscription purchase!
continued from page 6
All persons in each boat must be registered in the derby – NO EXCEPTIONS. Fishing starts at 5:30 am –
Lunch begins at 1:00 pm – Included in the entry fee. You must be in weigh-in line by 2 pm – NO EXCEPTIONS.
Derby Chairwoman is Nancy Coe •
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