Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3611 May 12-26, 2017 | Page 18
May 12-26, 2017
Trout Fishing Is Inconsistent
FREMONT — Between a few rainy bouts
here and there, the weather has been great at
Quarry Lakes. Water is still being diverted into
the Quarry Lakes from Alameda Creek, so the
water is still rising, albeit slowly.
“The trout bite had been inconsistent,” said
Joe Sullivan of the East Bay Regional Park
District. “We are getting fished pretty hard
around the plants with many anglers catching
great fish within a few days of the fish plant.
Generally it tapers off pretty quick after.”
“There are still anglers catching trout most
days, but many are starting to feel reluctant to
report their catches! Everyone wants to keep
their ‘honey hole’ a secret,” noted Sullivan.
Bass have been starting to bite as they
move into shallow waters to spawn.
“Most reports have been for smallmouth
bass with a few largemouth bass caught as
well,” he emphasized. “Please remember that
we do not stock bass in our lakes. With this
crucial spawn season, we ask that you catch
and release your bass in order to sustain a
vibrant bass population here at Quarry.”
Also, note that the use of lead fishing
tackle is prohibited at Quarry Lakes. You can
exchange lead tackle at the kiosk in a “1 for 1”
trade for stainless steel weights.
- By Dan Bacher
Trout Fishing Shifts Into High
Gear On Sacramento
REDDING — The weather has been dreary
and damp, the river flows on the upper end of
the lower Sacramento are up and the water
is off color. The trout fishing should be so so
at best, but it’s not. Instead the trout fishing is
red hot with anglers landing big numbers of
trout to 22 inches along with the occasional
late winter steelhead.
“We are catching lots of rainbow trout
and steelhead right now while fishing the
Sacramento River in the Redding city limits,”
related Kirk Portocarrero of SacRiverGuide.
“I’m going to describe the fishing as red hot
right now. Some of our trips have produced
as many as 60 trout. We’ve been fishing
with both fly gear and spinning gear. For
the fly anglers, brown rubber legs nymphs
have been working the best, particularly for
big fish. On our spinning tackle trips small
green Corkies have been doing the damage,”
disclosed Portocarrero.
Mike Bogue of Mike Bogue’s Guide Service
hasn’t been on the water over the past week,
but he’s ready for trout season. He’ll be
fishing a combination of back trolled plugs
and side drifted Pautzke salmon eggs and
Pautzke cured roe.
Robert Weese of Northern California
Guide Service is currently downriver targeting
stripers, but he’ll be back on the trout shortly
pulling plugs and drifting crickets.
Stripers On Spring Bite
RIO VISTA — Striped bass continue to be the
top attraction, but anglers are staying from the
Sacramento River as upriver releases keep
water conditions cold and dirty.
Anglers in search of striped bass were
being sent to the San Joaquin River, where
deep diving plugs were producing limits,
,according to Craig Kamikawa at Fisherman’s
Warehouse in Sacramento.
“Guys are trolling the shoals from
Prisoner’s Point down to San Andreas.
Everything is all deep trolling right now,” he
“The Sacramento River is cold and dirty.
There’s maybe one or two fish being caught,
Broadway Bait Rod & Gun reported anglers
but they’re working hard
are hooking lots of stripers in the Sacramento
for a few hits. The good
River at Miller Park, Bryte Beach and Verona,
news is the bigger fish
but most of them are shakers.
are there,” he added.
“It’s all shore fishing locally now,” said
Owner hooks pro
Perez. “There’s too much water to fish from
angler Kenji Nakagawa
a boat.”
worked hard to find clear
Perez and three other anglers reported
water in the Mokelumne
plenty of action on 12 to 18 inch stripers
while fishing pileworms at Verona recently.
“The bite has been
Lorenzo and Tony Mejia bagged two stripers
tough for plugging lately.
measuring 24 and 26 inches, but those were
We ran to a couple spots
the only keepers they landed that day.
on the San Joaquin, but
Shad are starting to show at the Minnow
didn’t find fish until we
Hole on the Sacramento, reported Craig
ran up to the Mokelumne
Kamikawa at Fisherman’s Warehouse.
River. We found a few
“The same twelve guys have been fishing
fish sitting on the color
there every morning,” he noted. “They’ve
line where the two forks
been catching a few small males on 1/16 oz.
of the river meet,” he
pea-head jigs in red, pink and white, tipped
with champagne and chartreuse-colored grub
Sturgeon fishing