Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3822 Oct 11-25 | Page 32

30 SALTWATER Oct 11 - 25, 2019 SALTWATER REPORTS: FISHERMAN’S WHARF CONTINUED FROM PG 28 BODEGA BAY Anglers Target Rockfish, Salmon, Halibut and Stripers cont. most experienced albacore anglers in northern California. They went out in very rough weather conditions, but the crew from Reel Ninja scored 26 albacore to 25 pounds trolling Mexican Flag clones 33 miles in 5500 feet of water west southwest of Bodega Head. The conditions calmed down some, and the boat ran back at 23 knots. - Dave Hurley Q ueen of H earts Half Moon Bay Sportfishing and Tackle Light Tackle Rockfishing 650-728-3377 • Salmon Fishing (when allowed) • • Whale Watching • • Nature Trips • • Full Bait and Tackle Shop • Pillar Point Harbor 5 Miles North of Half Moon Bay SAN FRANCISCO – Anglers are both live bait drifting for halibut and striped bass in San Francisco Bay and fishing for salmon, rockfish and lingcod outside of the Golden Gate. Captain Jacky Douglas of Wacky Jacky Sport Fishing reported that the salmon fleet was averaging 6 fish per boat before the winds came up, but she hopes to see improved fishing soon as more fish move into the waters outside of the Golden Gate in preparation for their annual spawning run up the Central Valley rivers. The skippers were forced to cancel their trips on Saturday, September 28. “We’ve been catching the salmon along the Marin County Coast from the Duxbury Buoy to Double Point,” said Douglas. “The kings are biting trolled anchovies at 35 to 40 feet deep. The fish are 12 pounds and up. Some good-size fish in the 25 lb. range are showing.” The water temperature has been relatively warm, ranging from the late fifties to 62 degrees. To book a trip, call Captain Jacky Douglas at (415) 586-9800 or go to: Anglers aboard the Bass Tub are targeting rockfish and lingcod at the Farallon Islands and the Marin County Coast and halibut and stripers in San Francisco Bay. On September 22, the 11 anglers aboard a 10-person charter aboard the Bass Tub caught 2 striped bass and 2 halibut inside. The heavy wind made the fishing tough, according to Erik Anfinson, Captain of the Bass Tub. Coast Guard Approved - Professional Crew 35+ years Experienced Captain 2912 VOL.38 • ISS. 22 SALMON • - ROCKFISH ROCKFISH • - ALBACORE ALBACORE SALMON 831-633-2564 831-633-2564 Get to the fishing grounds Get fast on to our charter grounds boat in Moss fast Landing-Monterey the 50’ fishing on our 50’ Bay charter boat in Moss Landing - Monterey Bay WWW.KAHUNASPORTFISHING.COM 4.23.10 These anglers headed out aboard the New Easy Rider during mid-September and nailed three big king salmon, plus a bonus halibut! Photo courtesy of NEW EASY RIDER SPORTFISHING, Berkeley. salmon that were anticipated to make their way up the coastline from Monterey Bay have yet to emerge, and combined with the paucity of the Coastside Fishing Club net pen fish so far this season, salmon fishing has been very spotty out of Half Moon Bay moving into the month of October. With the salmon bite being so spotty, Captain Tom Mattusch of the - Dan Bacher Huli Cat has been running rockfish trips, and they went south to the Deep Reef in 220 feet of water for 9 limits of rockfish. He said, “There are some salmon, but rockfishing HALF MOON Coastside is number one right now. We will be BAY running crab/rockfish combination trips starting November 2nd, and the Charter Boaters Target domoic acid testing so far is showing no signs of the acid below Point Rockfish Reyes. The recreational season will EL GRANADA open on November 2nd, and things - The big spawner look good for the opening of the Fish ALASKA Official IGFA World Record Lingcod caught here in 2007 MONTEREY BAY Fishing: “Barn Door Halibut” • Salmon • Rockfish • Ling Cod Two 30’ Alumaweld Boats with Cabins and Bathrooms Deep Creek, Anchor Point & Homer Lodging: Alaska (800) 567-1043 Clean & Comfortable, Lounge and Full Service Bar, Great Food, Conference Room, Satellite TV, Sleeps up to 24. Want Sturgeon? Trophy Stripers? Call Dragon Sportfishing! Fish The Delta In Style Aboard Capt. Hayden Mullins’s 60’ Luxury Yacht! Powerful technology in the Ultimate Combo unit. 9” Chart Plotter with built in TrueEcho CHIRP Fishfinder. Featuring Multi-Touch Interface, internal GPS antenna, CMAP compatibility, Anti Finger Print and Anti-Reflective glass with excellent readability and brightness. Call for Details and Special Pricing! MARITIME ELECTRONICS 2855 Soquel Ave. Santa Cruz, CA (800)582-1333 3807 925-766-7350 • Fish with the Smith Brothers – Alaska & California’s Finest! GP 1971F Fishfinder/GPS Plotter - Dave Hurley 3102 P.O. Box 39143, Ninilchik, AK 99639 3807 commercial season as the details are being worked out regarding the entanglement issues for whales and turtles.” Captain Dennis Baxter of the New Captain Pete out of Half Moon Bay Sport Fishing said, “Local anglers have been trying to find the Coastside net pen fish outside of the harbor, but the action is limited to one or two fish per evening between the buoys.” Out of Half Moon Bay Sport Fishing, the Riptide and the Queen of Hearts will be running rockfish trips through the end of the season until December 31st, and they have been working the local reefs for limits to near-limits of rockfish along with a few lingcod. The Huli Cat will be the only large party boat running the crab/rockfish combination trips, and they are filled on the opening weekend with plenty of room starting on weekdays. Anglers Battle Rockfish and Lingcod Off Monterey County Coast MOSS LANDING – Rockfish action has been productive when the boats are able to make it out along the Monterey County Coast. Wind along the coast made it difficult for the boats to get out many days in September, but the coastal weather is expected to be calmer now that we’re into October. The 22 anglers on the Kahuna landed 22 rockfish and 6 lingcod during the latest trip on the coast on Friday, September 27. On the previous trip on the boat, the 18 anglers landed 12 canary rockfish, 23 copper rockfish, 130 assorted rockfish and 25 vermilion rockfish, according to Carol Jones of Kahuna Sportfishing. The Kahuna specializes in long range rockfish trips down the coast to bountiful fishing grounds, a trip no one else offers. They also offer